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We have recently created a new profile at thumbtack. If you’d like to check it out and let them know what you think of us just follow the link.
Check out the page.
We have recently created a new profile at thumbtack. If you’d like to check it out and let them know what you think of us just follow the link.
Check out the page.
JJF girls ages 10+ are welcome to participate in our All Girls Jiu Jitsu Meetings. These meetings are a great way for the girls on the mats to meet one another, train with one another, and hangout. These meetings are announced once the day has been assigned. Look out for emails with our next day and time.
Don’t Miss the Chance to Learn From the Current Brazilian National Champion! Seminar will be Saturday, June 8th at noon. Early registration until June 28th. Limited space so Register Now! All schools and skill levels are welcome. Click the link below and register online.
Although Jiu Jitsu is referred as “gentle art”, it has risks just as any sport or physical activity. Jiu Jitsu Foundation has many attributes that make this Dojo unique.
On Sunday, October 7th 2012, the first ever World Jiu-Jitsu Championship exclusively dedicated to athletes over thirty years old was held in Long Beach, California. It was a HUGE success. Jiu Jitsu Foundation had 3 Representatives, one of them being Master Cadu Francis along with Rob Denton and Ray Jackson.
This weekend, on May 25, 2013 Masters Cadu and Gabi Francis hosted a seminar at their academy: Jiu Jitsu Foundation in La Mesa. The seminar was taught by one of their purple belt students Ray Bonander
Welcome to the first week of the Challenge. This weeks guideline is entitled “Stay Hydrated”. It refers to the importance of making sure that you drink enough water every day to keep your body working correctly. Did you know that dehydration is linked to fatigue, hunger and irritability? So the next time you find yourself…